

Why start a company in Sweden?

You can calculate and plan for the future of your company in the long term.

More favourable position when it comes to EU tenders.

Access to state aid is democratic.

Simple and fast accounting.

Start-ups are not subject to various tax/fee burdens, but only pay tax on the profits they make.

The CEO is not obliged to run the company as an employee, so there is no obligation to pay contributions month by month.

To start a private limited company (AB), you only need SEK 25 000 share capital.

Your Swedish company may have a bank account in Hungary, which only you and your proxy can access.

Swedish corporate bank lending is fast.

Buying or leasing a company car is easy.

The Swedish tax return allows much more freedom in accounting regarding costs than the bound Hungarian system.

You don't need to travel to Sweden to set up a company if you hire us.

People who have a permanent address and are members or employees of a company which pays taxes in Sweden can apply for a permanent residence permit. The advantages are:

Free, high quality healthcare.
Access to all social benefits: family allowance, housing benefit, unemployment benefit, childcare allowance, etc.
Free education, for minor family members as well (including university).
Swedish passport is one of the top 5 passports in the world.
Swedish citizenship after 5 years.
Swedish pension.


We guide our clients through the process of setting up a company in Sweden, coordinating local company management services, and, if required, the whole process of setting up a business in Sweden. Our service package is only offered together.


Establishing a company.

Local coordination of company operation services.

Helping company members/company employees in official processes required for residing in Sweden.


Establishing a company.

The one-off fee for this service is SEK 30 000, including all bureaucratic costs. No personal appearance or travel is required.

In Sweden, the most popular company form is the aktiebolag privat (AB), which is most similar to the Hungarian private limited company (Zrt.). The founders of an AB can be individuals or legal entities.

The company can be founded by even one person.

We will prepare the necessary documents for the establishment in Swedish and English.

If the client also requires a Hungarian-language version, its cost will be invoiced separately.

Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association

Registration at the Companies Court – Bolagsverket

Registration at the Companies Court – Bolagsverket
There are three steps:

Registering the name of the company.

Registration of beneficial owners. It has to be determined who the so called

'beneficial owners' are (verklig huvudman).

Provide proof of payment of the share capital (SEK 25 000).

They will accept proof of payment of the share capital from any bank in an EU country, so you can bank via your home bank. A Swedish bank account can also be requested at a later stage, if required.

Registration at the tax authority - Skatteverket
There are four steps:

SNI code: the SNI code is the Swedish equivalent of NACE codes.

F-tax: qualifying for F-tax ("F-skatt" or "företagskatt") means that the entrepreneur is responsible for paying the taxes and social security contributions (excesses) due on the remuneration for his/her activity.

VAT: (Moms) As a general rule, if a company wants to sell goods or provide services that are subject to VAT, registration is compulsory.

Registration as an employer (arbetsgivarregistret).

You must also register as an employer if you have employees. Important: anyone who becomes a member
of the board of directors, an alternate board member or a company director will need a passport and a certificate of good conduct. The Bolagsverket will ask for these in the form of certified copies as proof of identity.

Regarding the composition of the board, there are requirements about the proportion of board members who are residents of countries outside the EEC to ensure accessibility. For an international team, this will be taken into account in the registration process

Local coordination of company operational services.
The service is provided on a monthly fee basis. The service has variable pricing. Depends on needs.

Registered office service.

Place of business service.

Accounting service.

        Provision of a contact person.

If the company does not have an authorised representative living in Sweden (e.g. board member, deputy board member, managing director), the board of directors must appoint and register a person living in Sweden as a contact person ("särskild delgivningsmottagare"). This person will receive and forward to you all official documents received.

Managing the bureaucratic processes connected to obtaining a residence permit for company members/company employees.
The service costs SEK 650 per hour.

An interpreter is provided on request for all parts of the process which require the
company members/ employees to be present in person.

Managing the bureaucratic processes related to Housing. Selection, rental, purchase. Contacting the owner, correspondence. Assistance with contracts.

Applying for a personal identity number (personnummer) at the tax authority.
Personal attendance is compulsory!

Preparing and submitting documents to the Migration Office.
Personal attendance is compulsory!

Required documents:

Proof of Swedish residence e.g. rental contract or proof of own residential property.
Proof of Swedish employment: employment contract or business license.
Proof of marital status: marriage certificate (except for single persons).
Birth certificate for children.

Opening a temporary bank account.
You can only open a temporary one at first. Personal attendance is mandatory!

Required documents:

Swedish personal identity number (personnummer).
Proof of Swedish residence e.g. rental contract or certificate of own residential property.
Proof of Swedish employment. Submission of an employment contract or a business license.

Applying for a Swedish identity card (ID card) at the tax office.
Personal appearance is compulsory!

Required documents:

Swedish personal identity number.
Swedish proof of address e.g. rental contract or certificate of own residential property.
Payment of the ID card fee (400 sek) via an online bank account to the tax office.

Opening a Mobile Bank ID bank account.
Personal attendance is mandatory!

With the your Swedish ID card (ID kort) in your hands, you can open the "permanent" bank account in a second round. This already includes a Mobil Bank ID, which is the ID used on most online platforms in Sweden.This is also how Swish, the Swedish cashless payment method, works.


The 8th most competitive market in the world according to the Global Competitiveness Index.
It is the third best country In the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

It is ranked 2nd in Forbes' Best Countries for Business list.
One of the world leaders in R&D investment as a share of GDP.

It is considered the most innovative nation in the EU, with the highest number of patents per capita.

Its reputation as an innovation hub is reflected in its high ranking in the Global Innovation Index, European Innovation Scoreboard and Bloomberg Innovation Index. TheWorld Bank Group's Doing Business 2020 report ranks it 10th in terms of ease of doing business.

The Swedish budget:

27 percent is spent on education and health care.

42 percent is spent on social spending, pensions and benefits.

5 percent is spent on law enforcement and defence.

Income tax (IT) is progressive and has three categories. Up to SEK 22 000 per year (i.e. HUF 750 000), it is completely tax-free.

Sales tax (VAT) is also in three stages.

The marginal rate is 25 %.

Foodstuffs are taxed at 12 %

Transport, books and cultural products are taxed at a reduced rate of 6 %.
Corporate tax is 20.6%, below the EU average.

Sweden is the best known and most successful model country for the social welfare model. Many predicted that the model would be unsustainable in the long term, but the Swedish model's adaptability and selfcorrecting capacity proved the naysayers wrong.

The average income in euros is four and a half times that of Hungary.

The state spends almost eight times as much on health care as it does in Hungary.

The average life-expectancy is 82.5 years, six and a half years more than in Hungary.

The number of hours officially worked is 150 hours less per year than in Hungary, which means three hours more free time per week.

Pensions in Sweden provide a decent living standard. Many retired people move abroad, typically to a Mediterranean country, because their pension is worth much more abroad.

Sweden is the ninth happiest place in the world according to theWorld Happiness Index, 60 places ahead of Hungary on this list.

The Swedish government places great emphasis on maintaining a welfare society. This creates a pleasant, supportive business environment thanks to the tax system and a consistently high performing economy. This thinking results in a sustainable social policy that ensures a peaceful life that can be planned for the long term.


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